Python – Get Nth column elements in Tuple Strings
Yet another peculiar problem that might not be common, but can occur in python programming while playing with tuples. Since tuples are immutable, they are difficult to manipulate and hence knowledge of possible variation solutions always helps. This article solves the problem of extracting only the Nth index element of each string in tuple. Let’s discuss certain ways in which this problem can be solved....
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Python | Check if element is present in tuple of tuples
Sometimes the data that we use is in the form of tuples and often we need to look into the nested tuples as well. The common problem that this can solve is looking for missing data or na value in data preprocessing. Let’s discuss certain ways in which this can be performed....
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Divide all Elements of a List by a Number in Python
Performing mathematical operations on a list is quite common, as most newcomers to the language consider it a direct replacement for an array (due to its similar structure). Elementwise operations on such structures are performed to accomplish various tasks. In this article, you will learn how to divide all list elements by a number in Python with several methods, all of which perform the task at hand by dividing all the list elements by a number. The methods described will be:...
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Python – Convert List to List of dictionaries
Given list values and keys list, convert these values to key value pairs in form of list of dictionaries....
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Python | Element with largest frequency in list
This is one of the most essential operation that programmer quite often comes in terms with. Be it development or competitive programming, this utility is quite essential to master as it helps to perform many tasks that involve this task to be its subtask. Lets discuss various approaches to achieve this operation. Method #1 : Naive method As the brute force method, we just count all the elements and then just return the element whole count remains the maximum at the end. This is the basic method that one could think of executing when faced with this issue....
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Python – Remove Consecutive K element records
Sometimes, while working with Python records, we can have a problem in which we need to remove records on the basis of presence of consecutive K elements in tuple. This kind of problem is peculiar but can have applications in data domains. Let’s discuss certain ways in which this task can be performed....
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Python | Return new list on element insertion
The usual append method adds the new element in the original sequence and does not return any value. But sometimes we require to have a new list each time we add a new element to the list. This kind of problem is common in web development. Let’s discuss certain ways in which this task can be performed. Method #1 : Using + operator This task can be performed if we make a single element list and concatenate original list with this newly made single element list....
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Python | Accessing all elements at given list of indexes
Accessing an element from its index is an easier task in Python, just using the [] operator in a Python list does the trick. But in certain situations, we are presented with tasks when we have more than one index and we need to get all the elements corresponding to those indices. Let’s discuss certain ways to achieve this task....
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Python | Largest, Smallest, Second Largest, Second Smallest in a List
Since, unlike other programming languages, Python does not have arrays, instead, it has list. Using lists is more easy and comfortable to work with in comparison to arrays. Moreover, the vast inbuilt functions of Python, make the task easier. So using these techniques, let’s try to find the various ranges of the number in a given list....
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Python – Equable Minimial Records
Sometimes, while working with Python records, we can have a problem in which we need to extract one of the records that are equal to certain index, which is minimal of other index. This kind of problem occurs in domains such as web development. Let’s discuss certain ways in which this task can be performed....
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Python | Chuncked summation every K value
The prefix array is quite famous in the programming world. This article would discuss a variation of this scheme. This deals with the cumulative list sum till a K value, and again starts cumulation of sum from occurrence of K value. Let’s discuss certain way in which this can be performed....
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Python | Exponentiate Kth Record Index
Many times, while working with records, we can have a problem in which we need to change the value of tuple elements. This is a common problem while working with tuples. Let’s discuss certain ways in which N can be exponentiated to Kth element of tuple in list....
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